Saturday, May 26, 2012

Philippines - Lengua


Serves: 4 - 5


-       1 piece ox-tongue, thoroughly cleaned and sliced
-       Lea and Perrins sauce
-       salt and pepper
-       10 pieces calamansi
-       3 cloves garlic, crushed
-       2 medium onion, sliced
-       1 can (12 ounces) Cream of Mushroom soup
-       button mushrooms
-       button olives
-       4 tablespoons butter
-       1/4 cup grated cheese


-       Marinade ox-tongue in Lea and Perrins sauce, calamansi, salt and pepper for an hour.
-       Fry tongue and when browned, braise for 30 minutes.
-       Saute garlic and onions in butter.
-       Add soup.
-       Garnish with mushrooms, olives and grated cheese.

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